
International Seminar Details

Grooming demonstrations by the top 3 world-class groomers on September 4, 2013.

Opening address, introduction of lecturers, and their grooming demonstrations.

Super Grooming Seminar 2014, January 27-30, 2014.

American, European, Italian, Canadian and Japanese grooming styles were all demonstrated at this special seminar.

New Style Grooming Seminar, September 3-5, 2014.

The latest styles of pet grooming were demonstrated at the seminars in Tokyo and Osaka. Owners of highly popular salons in Canada and Japan talked on how to make salons invaluable to customers

Special Grooming Seminar 2015, February 2-6, 2015.

  • World-class grooming demonstrations and a seminar on how to use grooming products were hosted by some of the world’s top groomers. Some products new to Japan were introduced.

  • seminar2015

Introduction of lecturers

High-profile guests were invited from Japan and overseas.

  • Olga Zebalinskaya / USA
  • Kitty Dekeesgieter / Belgium
  • Shaunna.B / Canada
  • Yumiko Nakamura / Japan
  • Sue Zecco / USA
  • Barbara.P / USA
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